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Want even more help?

Get my in-depth story messaging template with prompts you can rinse and repeat to sell your offers every day.


story hustlr.

10 days to show up and sell on stories like a badass hustlr that will engage your audience, position you as an authority AND sell out your offers. 

Get ready to:

⚡ Make selling the easiest part of your business. It's fun, light and effortless because you know how to communicate the value of your offers and services and naturally your audience buys...

⚡ Show up confident AF because you no longer feel repetitive and annoying because you know exactly what to say when you sell by delivering high value to rapidly build buying desire in your audience.

⚡ You know how to speak about your offers in a variety of ways that keeps your audience engaged.

What's included?

10 daily video lesson drops on how to create engaging, converting stories to sell your offer with breakdowns and examples of each story slide!

Full prompts, engagement tools and ideas to make pitching your services a piece of cake 🍰

This allows you to easily implement your learning and sell every day.

Rinse and repeat.

Lifetime access. 

Let's do it.